Hey Diddle Diddle Day School is an equal opportunity childcare provider. The school services various communities in Montgomery County, PA including: Fort Washington, Ambler, Oreland, Flourtown, Glenside, Blue Bell, Willow Grove, Abington, Dresher, Maple Glenn, and other surrounding areas.
Prior to enrolling your child in Hey Diddle Diddle Day School we recommend that you schedule an appointment to visit our school. This will allow you the opportunity to: tour the building, observe classrooms, meet teachers, and obtain answers to any questions they may have. Families are more than welcome to bring their children with them to this visit. To schedule this time with our administrator, please call the school office at 215-654-9955.
Once you are ready to enroll your child in Hey Diddle Diddle Preschool please fill out the Emergency Contact form issued by the Department of Public Welfare as well as complete the Hey Diddle Diddle tuition agreement which can be found below, both forms will also be provided to you at the tour, feel free to scan and email the completed paperwork or mail to the school (at the address below).
In addition to this paperwork, if at the time we are able to provide a start date within one year of your tour we will require a $50 non-refundable registration fee, along with one week’s tuition in advance. If a guaranteed start date is longer than one year from your visit to the school, we will require $50 non-refundable registration fee to ensure a position on our waitlist.
Hey Diddle Diddle requires all well visit forms for each child after their well checks with their pediatrician. Caregivers are to turn this into the office for their child’s first day. This appraisal form must be returned to the school and will remain on file with us in accordance with our regulations.
Caregivers will be given a tuition agreement, found below, which will need to be signed and returned to the school to remain on file.
Tuition Information and Fee Agreement 2020
Other Relevant Forms:
All forms should be returned in person or by postal mail to:
Hey Diddle Diddle Day School Inc.
520 South Bethlehem Pike
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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